Wednesday 22 February 2012

First things first I think

My name is Sekai Machache, I am a 4th Year art student studying for my BA Hons in Fine Art at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art in Dundee. I am a multi-media artist in that I work with a wide range of media including Paint, Print, Photography, Instillation, Video and Performance.

Based on my interest in the psychology of dreams, my performances to camera are in a way a series of investigations into self expression. I attempt to extract the essence of what makes a person who they are by expressing what is hidden within the individual; the frustrations, anxieties etc. Using myself as a model, my work can be described as a 'portrait of identity' and investigation into self perception and consciousness. An important part of my practice is the process of layering, whether that be the laying of concepts and themes that overlap or flow together or conflict with each other or the very process of laying paint on the canvas and onto the body. I utilize a wide range of media in my practice and don't necessarily stick to what is conventionally expected. For example my video pieces are rarely made using video recording equipment as I prefer the static, tense and restrictive quality stop motion video can give to an otherwise fluid documentation of movement over time. This is an important aspect of my work as, although movement is a major, recurring point of interest I am not in the practice of merely documenting live movement, but rather focusing on the tension between one movement and the next, the transition from pose to pose in one single moment.